Bath Township Steps Up Summer Law Enforcement Patrols
The Board of Trustees of Bath Township have announced that they plan to supplement their current law enforcement protection contract with the Allen County Sheriff’s Office this summer by adding additional deputies during specific dates and times to help deter criminals by having a greater police presence throughout the township.
Although already a safe community, crimes such as thefts from vehicles, home break ins, and vandalism tend to trend upward in the summer months. Therefore, the Board is taking this proactive approach.
Bath residents are reminded to keep their vehicles locked, have their homes lit at night, and most importantly, report any suspicious activity to the Allen County Sheriff’s Office.
Mr. Sielschott will be available for in-person media interviews to answer questions and/or make further comment, upon request.
Contact information:
Robert Sielschott, Township Trustee: 419-222-2001
Sheriff Matt Treglia 419-227-3535

The Board of Trustees of Bath Township have announced that they plan to supplement their current law enforcement protection contract with the Allen County Sheriff’s Office this summer by adding additional deputies during specific dates and times to help deter criminals by having a greater police presence throughout the township.
Although already a safe community, crimes such as thefts from vehicles, home break ins, and vandalism tend to trend upward in the summer months. Therefore, the Board is taking this proactive approach.
Bath residents are reminded to keep their vehicles locked, have their homes lit at night, and most importantly, report any suspicious activity to the Allen County Sheriff’s Office.
Mr. Sielschott will be available for in-person media interviews to answer questions and/or make further comment, upon request.
Contact information:
Robert Sielschott, Township Trustee: 419-222-2001
Sheriff Matt Treglia 419-227-3535